
daisy x


Name:xin wei
Birthday:29 August
School:CFPS(pri) ZHSS(sec)



Deng Yue
Feng Zhuo
Si Ying
Xin Qing
Xin Qing(chinese blog)
Zhixuan(chinese blog)


April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
November 2008
December 2008
March 2009
February 2010

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Save the Earth

Hi...I have nothing to say, nothing really happened today.
All i can say is if you want to save the Earth, do your part and try not to step on or destroy any plants.You can help by doing little things one step at a time.

Practise the 3'Rs. Use the water that u used to wash ur rice to water the plants.
Bring your own plastic bags to shop.

I know some of you might say that this is lame...
But as I said I am not going to just sit here and watch.

Hope you guys will work together with me and spread the word.

Until next time... ...


Friday, November 28, 2008

yesterday, hui shi came...
and i thought it was the end of my life...
then a miracle came frm above. I dunno how but i managed to save her and myself...

Hui Shi told me to stand in the middle of the deep pool and she wanted to bounce to me(she could stand)she managed to reach me...but then she lost her balance and she did not noe how to swim!

So she pulled me and grab my hand. i couldnt breathe! thank god i managed to reach the side ...

Second time... at both time this specific person was there...
and not onli he didnt help us...he laughed at us!!!
And he also pushed me to other boy in the pool thank god i turned my head...
if not...arggg
should i forgive him? (reply in my tagboard)

WARNING: do not go to the deep pool with someone who does not noe how to swim...


i wont let the drowning happen the third time...(i'll try)


Thursday, November 27, 2008

YO! I just got the scare of my life...
my uncle went to india and there was bombing happening there...
and so i told my dad immediately. he called my aunt and ...
THANK GOD!!! he was alright.
but there was a singaporean held hostage....
poor thing what will happen to his family?
WELL, the world is changing... are you all just going to sit here and watch?
i will not but what can i do...............
if this continues, world war three might happen soon and Earth is going to just vannish.

OH!!!! today HuiShi is coming to my house yay!!!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008
sry to the people who flooded my tagboard

Very scared of all of you lar...
i just didnt write in my blog for about 3 to 4 mths only and all of you go yaking:
Is ur blog dead? etc...
well, my blog was in the hospital taking a lives!
so many things happened during these 3 to 4 mths...
like my birthday(cheng xin still has my birthday present kept in her room...hahaz)
my mum's birthday(although it was my mum's birthday, she still has to drive. Poor MaMa)
And I almost forgot...
are all of you happy with your scores?
well ...i am not sure weather i sould be or not...
but i am going to either zhong hua or nan chiau...(are these schools good?)
I am going to KOREA !!!
